Cinch Tummy Wrap™ is a pioneer in bringing the traditional art and science of belly wrapping into a line of pregnancy and postpartum belly bands for today’s modern woman. Each tummy wrap offers the unique ability to fully adjust, and comes complete with a patented design of 360 degrees of even and controlled compression, offering multifunctional uses. Here at Cinch Tummy Wrap, we want to create products and offer services that transform how new moms think about their new bodies not just after baby, but also for a lifetime.
We are dedicated to serving every new mom with the utmost satisfaction during this crucial point in her life. We are here to let her know she can enjoy and thrive during her renewing process. We also provide educational brochures to health care providers to encourage and motivate new moms to get back to a healthy shape naturally and effortlessly.
We want to help moms know the importance of the method as well as the product. It is not only what you use, it is also how you use it, how long you use it and where you use it to achieve ultimate results.